a for apple!
Alphabet Introduction:
Alphabet of the week is A. So it is a typical 'a for apple'. Yeay! (Duhh.. -_-')
Here's a snippet from out Alphabet Interactive Book. Yes it is actually an index book and I gave that fancy name myself muahaha!
a for apple!
We read a few books about Apples:
Secrets of the Apple Tree - Please read it at night hehe! A shine-a-light book. We have to hold the page to light to see the hidden habitat around an apple tree. He love it so MUCH! Borrowed from our local library :)
Allah Makes Apples - Good for early readers and good for tawheed lesson too!
Then our Science subject of the week is Apple Browning Experiment!
The most interesting part for him is having the chance to use the real knife (-_-') I asked him to slice the apple to 4 slices and while I'm busy preparing the apparatus he chopped it all. Duh!
So here it is 4 slices of apple in different solutions:
1. Salt solution
2. Sugar solution
3. Vinegar
4. Nothing for controlled piece
Peace ya'll! Posing while waiting for the result. Haha!
After 30 minutes we compared the apple slices. Of course the controlled slice has turn brown, which is yucky for Ayyash. I thought the vinegar supposed to be the cleanest, but it is the second worst in browning. I should be using lemon juice instead. The salt and sugar solution was less browning. I found that this experiment might be too advance for him to understand. It is the concept of oxidation here. But one thing for sure, he knew that although the salty apple looks nice, but it doesn't taste any better than the brownish slice. Haha!
Counting apples on the tree. I print the apple tree printables and took so much effort to cut out 30 apples the night before...hukhuk! But it paid off as he really enjoy the lesson. I tell him the number so he has to put that amount of apple on the tree. Great for counting!
Alritey... that's all folks! Peace!
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